Hydroacoustic methods and tools for fish stock assessment and fishery maintenance Part 2. Methods and tools of fishery biohydroacoustics


Kuznetsov Mikhail Yu.,Kuznetsov Yury A.


Studies on influence of hydroacoustic fields on behaviour of commercial species and using of hydroacoustic tools for management of fish and squids behavior to increase the fishing efficiency are overviewed. The methods and means of fisheries biohydroacoustics are considered critically and the reasons of their unsatisfactory using in fishery are analyzed. Sounds with a certain spectrum and level are still applied for influence on fish behaviour without sufficient scientific and technical substantiation, so a complex approach to development of effective hydroacoustic tools for remote control of fish movement is necessary. Results of studies on acoustic reception and acoustic activity for schooling physostomous fishes are presented. Spectral-power and temporal parameters of the sounds and their frequency differentiation by fish size are determined. Sound-generating mechanisms of fish are considered and signal significances of the sounds radiated by fish are recognized. Stereotypes of acoustic behaviour are revealed for toothed whales during their hunting upon fish: these predatory cetaceans have special acoustic manipulators able to generate signals for concentration and holding the fish, adapted for hearing system of the prey. Results of hydrobionic modelling of organs and mechanisms for sound generation of marine animals and their technical realization in hydroacoustic devices are presented. The developed devices allow to generate underwater pulse sound signals simulating biological signals of certain physostomous fish species and predatory cetaceans (dolphins and killer whales). Efficiency of these simulating signals influence on behaviour of fish is proved by behavioral experiments and fishing tests. Applications of these devices for various fisheries are discussed.




Microbiology (medical),Immunology,Immunology and Allergy

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