Structure and functional characteristics of zooplankton and food supply for nekton in the western Bering Sea


Dulepova E. P.1ORCID,Napazakov V. V.1ORCID,Kuznetsova N. A.1ORCID,Shebanova M. A.1ORCID


1. Pacific branch of VNIRO (TINRO)


Structure and functional characteristics of zooplankton and feeding of the most abundant nekton species (pollock, herring and salmons) are analyzed using the data of ecosystem survey in the western Bering Sea in 2020 and compared with the structural indices for 2015−2019. The main patterns of composition and distribution of zooplankton and production of organic matter by zooplankton are determined. High values and turnover rate of production are noted for the non-predatory zooplankton (mainly copepods and euphausiids) in the eastern Anadyr Bay, the area at Cape Navarin, the shelf of Koryak coast, and the continental slope of Olyutorsky Bay. High production of predatory zooplankton (mainly hyperiids) is found on the slope of Karaginsky Bay, presumably because of these species transport from the southern areas with later stage of the seasonal succession. In autumn 2020, walleye pollock and pacific herring consumed from 15 to 55 % of the copepod, euphausiid and hyperiid production. This level of consumption did not affect their food supply because of very high turnover rate of these taxonomic groups of plankton. In the deep-water areas, salmons did not use more than 3 % of their food resource. Thus, the survey data indicate a good food supply for the most abundant nekton species in the western Bering Sea in the fall season.




General Medicine

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