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2. Atlas kolichestvennogo raspredeleniya nektona v Okhotskom more (Atlas of Quantitative Distribution of Nekton Species in the Okhotsk Sea), Shuntov, V.P. and Bocharov, L.N., eds., Moscow: Natsionalnye Rybnye Resursy, 2003.
3. Atlas kolichestvennogo raspredeleniya nektona v severo-zapadnoi chasti Tikhogo okeana (Atlas of Nekton Species Quantitative Distribution in the North-Western Part of the Pacific Ocean), Shuntov, V.P. and Bocharov, L.N., eds., Moscow: Natsionalnye Rybnye Resursy, 2005.
4. Atlas kolichestvennogo raspredeleniya nektona v severo-zapadnoi chasti Yaponskogo moray (Atlas of Nekton Species Quantitative Distribution in the North-Western Part of the Japan Sea), Shuntov, V.P. and Bocharov, L.N., eds., Moscow: Natsionalnye Rybnye Resursy, 2004.
5. Bekker, V.E., Miktofovye ryby Mirovogo okeana (Myctophid Fishes of the World Ocean), Moscow: Nauka, 1983.