Changes in concentrations of nanoparticles in working air under production environment over time


Leonenko N.S.1,Demetska O.V.1,Leonenko O.B.1


1. State Institution “Institute of Occupational Health named after Yu. I. Kundiiev of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine”, Kyiv


The article presents the peculiarities of changes of concentrations of nanoparticles in the working air during welding operations over time, which are characterized in most cases by a sharp increase in their emission during the first minutes after welding and reducing with ambiguous fluctuations within 30 minutes and over. Also, data on the formation of nanoparticles in various production processes associated with the production of nanoproducts, which concentrations may exceed the exposure levels recommended in the EU countries, which requires both the improvement of technological processes and the development of safety measures when working with nanoscale objects, have been summarized.


L. I. Medved Research Center of Preventive Toxicology, Food and Chemical Safety

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