Improvement of research methodology and assessment of inhalation and dermal effects of chemical plant protection agents. Part II.


Serhieiev S.G.1ORCID,Kravchuk O.P.1ORCID,Hrynko A.P.1ORCID,Yastrub T.O.1ORCID,Lyshavsky V.G.1


1. L.I. Medved’s Research Center for Preventive Toxicology, Food and Chemical Safety, The Ministry of Health of Ukraine (State Enterprise), Kyiv, Ukraine


Introduction. In the first part of the article, a comparative analysis of the domestic and international research methodology and assessment of the impact of plant protection products (PPP) on agricultural workers and the population is carried out. The analysis showed that the existing methodological approaches in Ukraine need to be improved. In particular, methodological approaches and procedures for their implementation should comply with international requirements for measuring external inhalation and dermal doses, calculating absorbed doses of the active substance (AS) PPP that affect persons subject to protection. Purpose of the Study. To develop procedures for studying and calculating the impact of the PPP on the operator, worker, outsider and resident during and after the application of the PPP that meet international requirements. Materials and Methods. A scientific analysis of domestic and foreign normative, methodological documents and scientific sources regulating the organization of research, measurement and calculation of the impact of PPP on agricultural workers and the population during and after the use of these products is carried out. Results. Based on the results of the analysis, procedures for sampling, delivery, storage of samples, description of data, calculation of exposure and absorbed doses of AS affecting the body of the operator, worker, outsider and resident by inhalation and dermal routes are proposed. Conclusions. The use of the proposed procedures will ensure that the studies comply with international requirements, and the results of their implementation will ensure the subsequent assessment and management of the PPP exposure risk to protected people. Keywords: plant protection products (PPP), inhalation and dermal exposure, operator, worker, outsider, resident, exposure and absorbed doses.


L. I. Medved Research Center of Preventive Toxicology, Food and Chemical Safety

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