Prevention of diseases of alimentary and alimentary dependent genesis


Matasar I.T.1ORCID,Petryschenko L.M.1


1. State Institution “National Research Center for Radiation Medicine of the NAMS of Ukraine”, Kyiv, Ukraine


The most important direction in the fight against noncommunicable diseases is pre-ventive referral. Measures aimed at preventing morbid and premorbid conditions make it possible to achieve an important goal – to reduce economic costs and improve the demographic situation in the country. Balanced nutrition is the main factor in a healthy lifestyle. Nutrition should ensure the normal growth of the body, determines mental and physical development, the functioning of all organs and systems, the formation of immunity, as well as the adaptation of the body's reserves depending on living conditions. The health of the population of a particular region depends on the ecological state of the envi-ronment and reflects the dynamic balance between the organism and the habitat of the individual species. In the human body, a dynamic stereotype is created with the preservation of homeostasis, which is supported by metabolic processes and neurohumoral and endocrine regulation. The deterioration of the environment is reflected in the health of the population. Hygiene is a branch of preventive medicine that studies the influence of various environmental factors on human health, performance and longevity. The purpose of this science is to develop measures aimed at improving a person and preventing the occurrence of diseases of both an indi-vidual and society as a whole. Hygiene focuses on the development of criteria for assessing envi-ronmental quality and scientific substantiation of optimal environmental parameters for human habi-tation. An important task of food hygiene is to study the physiological needs for food ingredients, on the basis of which quantitative and qualitative nutritional standards for different groups of the population are developed, depending on working conditions, life, age, gender, climate; substantia-tion of nutrition ratios of certain population groups; finding out the reasons for the development and spread of alimentary diseases and working out measures for their prevention, as well as the formation of food sets for therapeutic and therapeutic and prophylactic purposes; establishing the nutritional and biological value of new food products; ensuring the proper quality of food raw ma-terials and food, the introduction of sanitary food protection from the effects of harmful factors of physical, chemical and biological nature. Today in Ukraine, according to statistics, diseases, in the pathogenesis of which lies the food factor, have increased significantly. The peculiarity of alimentary pathology is that it can only be treated by correcting nutrition. The main priorities for the prevention of alimentary and alimentary-dependent seizures should be: ensuring physiological needs for essential ingredients with regard to ecological and endemic human living conditions; raising the level of knowledge among the population in the problems of healthy eating; ensuring high quality of domestic and imported food products. Keywords: prevention, alimentary diseases, population of ecologically non-safe regions, accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.


L. I. Medved Research Center of Preventive Toxicology, Food and Chemical Safety


General Medicine

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