Promising directions for the development of means that can increase the adaptation capabilities of the human body under the conditions of the negative influence of the life environment


Kalashnikov A.A.1,Kurdil N.V.1,Khudaykulova O.O.1,Zulfiharov O.S.2,Petrashenko H.I.1,Atamaniuk V.P.2,Zhminko P.G.1,Hrynko A.P.1,Zulfiharov A.O.3,Pavlenko I.P.1,Kozachko I.O.1


1. L.I. Medved’s Research Center of Preventive Toxicology, Food and Chemical Safety, Ministry of Health, Ukraine (SE), Kyiv, Ukraine

2. NVK "Ekofarm" LLC, scientific research laboratory, Kyiv, Ukraine

3. National Technical University of Ukraine Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Kyiv, Ukraine


Abstract. The ever-increasing anthropogenic chemical load throughout the world prompts the search for sources of biologically active substances (BAS) capable of increasing the adaptive capabilities of a person exposed to the harmful effects of the environment. Aim. Scientific substantiation of the optimal composition of recipes and features of the production technology of products with immunomodulating and adaptogenic effects (dietary supplements, detoxification products for external use, including cosmetic preventive products for hand skin disinfection), based on technologically processed vegetable waste used in the production of pharmaceutical products Proteflazidum®". Material and Methods. The chemical composition of the ethanol extract of the plant raw material "Proteflazidum®" and the waste of its production - meal was studied. The mass fraction of flavonoid compounds aglycones of tricin, apigenin, luteolin, amino acids, sugars, carboxylic acids, natural polymers (pectin substances, chlorophylls and hemicellulose), ethanol (%, vol) was determined. The methods of ultra-high-performance high-speed liquid chromatography with diode-matrix detection (UPLCPDA, Waters, USA) were used; method of ultra-high-performance mass spectrometric high-speed liquid chromatography with electron spray ionization (UPLC-MC/MC, Waters, USA). A study of the dietary supplements "Immunoflazid Light" (syrup) and "Immunoflazid Pro" (capsules), manufactured in accordance with TU U 10.8-25589583-001:2020, was conducted according to safety indicators: the content of heavy metals, pesticides and radionuclides for compliance with the requirements of GN -2001 "Temporary hygienic standards for the content of chemical and biological contaminants in biologically active supplements", approved by the resolution of the chief state sanitary doctor of Ukraine dated 04.20.2001. No. 131 and GN "Permissible levels of the content of radionuclides 137Cs, 90Sr in food and drinking water", approved by the order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated 05.03.2006 under No. 256. A spectrometer was used to determine the content of lead, cadmium, and mercury atomic emission "SHIMADSU ICPE - 9820"; for the determination of radionuclides, the spectrometer "SEG-001", "AKP-S" and the spectrometer "SEB-01-70" were used. Methods of measuring pesticides according to DSTU EN 12393-1:2003, DSTU EN 12393-2:2003, DSTU EN 12393-3:2003 and GOST 30349-96. Results. The waste of vegetable raw materials, which is formed as a result of the production of the "Proteflazidum®", is a valuable source of BAS, which allows you to consider them as raw materials for creating recipes of products with an adaptogenic effect - dietary supplements and raw materials for the production of products for external use, including cosmetic prophylactic and means for hand skin disinfection. According to safety indicators, the new products belong to low-hazard substances when applied to the skin (hazard class 4), do not show skin-irritating, skin-resorptive and sensitizing properties, alcohol-free products do not irritate the mucous membrane of the eyes. Conclusions. Proteflazidum® production waste is a valuable raw material for the creation of a wide range of products with an adaptogenic effect (dietary supplements, raw materials for the production of products for external use, including cosmetic prophylactics and products for hand skin disinfection). Key Words: Proteflazidum®, Herba Deschampsia Сaespitosa L., Herba Calamagrostis Epigeios L., bioflavonoids, pectin substances.


L. I. Medved Research Center of Preventive Toxicology, Food and Chemical Safety


General Medicine

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