Nutrient correction of the clinical course and alimentary prevention of the tuberculous infection effects


Matasar I.T.1,Protsiuk R.H.2,Halan I.O.2


1. State Institution “National Research Center for Radiation Medicine of the NAMS of Ukraine”, Kyiv, Ukraine

2. Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine


Abstract. Food is a source of flexible, energetic and catalytical ingredients that stipulate the human organism’s life and development. Proteins on a par with other nutrients, form tissues, are a part of enzymes, hormones, participate in the processes of growth, development and restoration of organs and systems. The Aim. To scientifically substantiate the correction measures of the clinical course and alimentary prevention of complications caused by tuberculous infection. To list up the main sources of nutrients, to show their importance for the tuberculous infection course correction and the effect of essential substances on the prevention of complications caused by the disease. Materials and Methods. The complex of theoretical, empirical methods and full-scale observations was used for the investigation. Theoretical research methods were: bibliographic analysis, synthesis and abstraction, as well as generalization of available in scientific literature data and their classification and systematization. The methods of empirical research were traditional modern approaches: full-scale observations, interviews, polling, questionnaires, and expert evaluation. Methods of biological research: epidemiological, clinical, laboratory, physical-chemical, biochemical and medical-statistical. Results and Conclusions. The quality of the dietary structure was determined by the complex of amino acids, fatty acids, especially omega-3 PUFAs, vitamins, minerals, and the sufficiency of complex carbohydrates that stimulate intestinal peristalsis, which was important in a sedentary lifestyle. The actual food quality effect on the body’s supply of alimentary iron was described. The impact of the latter on the disease course was distinguished. It was shown that the excess of energy caused by the excessive simple sugars consuming, contributed to the exacerbation of the disease course and allergies. It was emphasized that the energy value of the diet should depend on the peculiarities of the disease course, the presence of associated complication, the patient’s body weight, as well as the type of work with preserved performance efficacy. Key Words: nutrient correction, essential substances, ideal protein, amino acids, recommended daily intake, food products, energy value of the diet, principles of the diet therapy, erythrocytes, lymphocytes, leukogram.


L. I. Medved Research Center of Preventive Toxicology, Food and Chemical Safety


General Medicine

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