1. Griffith Centre for Social and Cultural Research, Griffith University, Australia
2. Australian Research Centre for Human Evolution, Griffith University, Australia
3. Department of Environmental Medicine and Public Health, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA
4. School of the Environment, The University of Queensland, Australia
5. Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana (CENIEH), Spain
6. Palaeoscience Labs, Department of Archaeology and History, La Trobe University, Australia
7. Department of Geology, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia
8. School of Archaeology and Anthropology, The Australian National University, Australia
9. Department of Geology, Naturalis Biodiversity Center, The Netherlands
10. Research School of Earth Sciences, The Australian National University, Australia
11. Radiogenic Isotope Facility, School of the Environment, The University of Queensland, Australia
12. Department of Human Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University, USA