Alternation emerges as a multi-modal strategy for turbulent odor navigation


Rigolli Nicola123ORCID,Reddy Gautam456ORCID,Seminara Agnese12ORCID,Vergassola Massimo7ORCID


1. MalGa, Department of Civil, Chemical and Mechanical Engineering, University of Genova

2. Institut de Physique de Nice, Université Côte d’Azur, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

3. Department of Physics and INFN Genova, University of Genova

4. NSF-Simons Center for Mathematical and Statistical Analysis of Biology, Harvard University

5. Physics & Informatics Laboratories, NTT Research, Inc

6. Center for Brain Science, Harvard University

7. Laboratoire de physique de l’École Normale Supérieure, CNRS, PSL Research University, Sorbonne Université


Foraging mammals exhibit a familiar yet poorly characterized phenomenon, ‘alternation’, a pause to sniff in the air preceded by the animal rearing on its hind legs or raising its head. Rodents spontaneously alternate in the presence of airflow, suggesting that alternation serves an important role during plume-tracking. To test this hypothesis, we combine fully resolved simulations of turbulent odor transport and Bellman optimization methods for decision-making under partial observability. We show that an agent trained to minimize search time in a realistic odor plume exhibits extensive alternation together with the characteristic cast-and-surge behavior observed in insects. Alternation is linked with casting and occurs more frequently far downwind of the source, where the likelihood of detecting airborne cues is higher relative to ground cues. Casting and alternation emerge as complementary tools for effective exploration with sparse cues. A model based on marginal value theory captures the interplay between casting, surging, and alternation.


National Science Foundation

European Research Council

Air Force Office of Scientific Research

NIH Office of the Director

Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation


eLife Sciences Publications, Ltd


General Immunology and Microbiology,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology,General Medicine,General Neuroscience

Reference36 articles.

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