Differences in pathways contributing to thyroid hormone effects on postnatal cartilage calcification versus secondary ossification center development


Gomez Gustavo A1ORCID,Aghajanian Patrick2,Pourteymoor Sheila1,Larkin Destiney1,Mohan Subburaman1345ORCID


1. Musculoskeletal Disease Centre, Jerry L. Pettis VA Medical Center

2. Fulgent Genetics

3. Departments of Medicine, Loma Linda University

4. Departments of Biochemistry, Loma Linda University

5. Departments of Physiology, Loma Linda University


The proximal and distal femur epiphyses of mice are both weight-bearing structures derived from chondrocytes but differ in development. Mineralization at the distal epiphysis occurs in an osteoblast-rich secondary ossification center (SOC), while the chondrocytes of the proximal femur head (FH), in particular, are directly mineralized. Thyroid hormone (TH) plays important roles in distal knee SOC formation, but whether TH also affects proximal FH development remains unexplored. Here, we found that TH controls chondrocyte maturation and mineralization at the FH in vivo through studies in thyroid stimulating hormone receptor (Tshr-/-) hypothyroid mice by X-ray, histology, transcriptional profiling, and immunofluorescence staining. Both in vivo and in vitro studies conducted in ATDC5 chondrocyte progenitors concur that TH regulates expression of genes that modulate mineralization (Ibsp, Bglap2, Dmp1, Spp1, and Alpl). Our work also delineates differences in prominent transcription factor regulation of genes involved in the different mechanisms leading to proximal FH cartilage calcification and endochondral ossification at the distal femur. The information on the molecular pathways contributing to postnatal cartilage calcification can provide insights on therapeutic strategies to treat pathological calcification that occurs in soft tissues such as aorta, kidney, and articular cartilage.


National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases

National Institute on Aging

Veterans Administration BLR&D


eLife Sciences Publications, Ltd


General Immunology and Microbiology,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology,General Medicine,General Neuroscience








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