Neural criticality from effective latent variables


Morrell Mia1,Nemenman Ilya2,Sederberg Audrey J.34


1. Department of Physics, New York University

2. Department of Physics, Department of Biology, Initiative in Theory and Modeling of Living Systems, Emory University

3. Department of Neuroscience, University of Minnesota Medical School

4. School of Psychology and School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology (current)


Observations of power laws in neural activity data have raised the intriguing notion that brains may operate in a critical state. One example of this critical state is “avalanche criticality,” which has been observed in various systems, including cultured neurons, zebrafish, rodent cortex, and human EEG. More recently, power laws were also observed in neural populations in the mouse under an activity coarse-graining procedure, and they were explained as a consequence of the neural activity being coupled to multiple latent dynamical variables. An intriguing possibility is that avalanche criticality emerges due to a similar mechanism. Here, we determine the conditions under which latent dynamical variables give rise to avalanche criticality. We find that populations coupled to multiple latent variables produce critical behavior across a broader parameter range than those coupled to a single, quasi-static latent variable, but in both cases, avalanche criticality is observed without fine-tuning of model parameters. We identify two regimes of avalanches, both critical but differing in the amount of information carried about the latent variable. Our results suggest that avalanche criticality arises in neural systems in which activity is effectively modeled as a population driven by a few dynamical variables and these variables can be inferred from the population activity.


eLife Sciences Publications, Ltd

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