1. Department of Molecular Physiology and Biological Physics, Center for Membrane and Cell Physiology, University of Virginia
2. Department of Chemistry, The University of Tennessee
3. Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
4. ICFO-Institut de Ciencies Fotoniques, The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology
The organelles of eukaryotic cells maintain distinct protein and lipid compositions required for their specific functions. The mechanisms by which many of these components are sorted to their specific locations remain unknown. While some motifs mediating subcellular protein localization have been identified, many membrane proteins and most membrane lipids lack known sorting determinants. A putative mechanism for sorting of membrane components is based on membrane domains known as lipid rafts, which are laterally segregated nanoscopic assemblies of specific lipids and proteins. To assess the role of such domains in the secretory pathway, we applied a robust tool for synchronized secretory protein traffic (RUSH, Retention Using Selective Hooks) to protein constructs with defined affinity for raft phases. These constructs consist solely of single-pass transmembrane domains (TMDs) and, lacking other sorting determinants, constitute probes for membrane domain-mediated trafficking. We find that while raft affinity can be sufficient for steady-state PM localization, it is not sufficient for rapid exit from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), which is instead mediated by a short cytosolic peptide motif. In contrast, we find that Golgi exit kinetics are highly dependent on raft affinity, with raft preferring probes exiting the Golgi ~2.5-fold faster than probes with minimal raft affinity. We rationalize these observations with a kinetic model of secretory trafficking, wherein Golgi export can be facilitated by protein association with raft domains. These observations support a role for raft-like membrane domains in the secretory pathway and establish an experimental paradigm for dissecting its underlying machinery.
National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Volkswagen Foundation
Human Frontier Science Program
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
Agencia Estatal de Investigación
Government of Spain
Fundació Cellex
Fundació Mir-Puig
Generalitat de Catalunya
eLife Sciences Publications, Ltd