1. 21.1 A 1.125Gb/s 28mW 2m-Radio-Range IR-UWB CMOS Transceiver
2. A 1. 66Gb/s and 5. 8pJ/b Transcutaneous IR-UWB Telemetry System with Hybrid Impulse Modulation for Intracortical Brain-Computer Interfaces;Song;ISSCC,2022
3. A 3-to-10GHz 1 80pJ/b IEEE802. 15. 4z/4a IR-UWB Coherent Polar Transmitter in 28nm CMOS with Asynchronous Amplitude Pulse-Shaping and Injection-Locked Phase Modulation;Allebes;ISSCC,2021
4. A 6.5-to-10GHz IEEE 802.15.4/4z-Compliant 1T3R UWB Transceiver
5. dw3000 uwb transceiver,2021