1. Lund University,Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science,Lund,Sweden,S-223 62
2. Aarhus University,Department of Biology - Ecoinformatics and Biodiversity,Aarhus C,Denmark,8000
3. GeoVille Information Systems and Data Processing GmbH,Innsbruck,Tyrol,Austria,6020
4. DHI A/S - DHI Water Environment Health,Aarhus N,Danmark,8200
5. Thünen Institute of Climate-Smart Agriculture,Braunschweig,Germany,38116
6. The South African Environmental Observation Network (SAEON),Pretoria,South Africa,0001
7. North-West University,School of Physical and Chemical Sciences, Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences,Potchefstroom,South Africa,2520
8. European Space Agency - ESRIN,Department of Earth Observation, Science, Applications & Climate,Frascati, Rome,Italy,00044