1. University of Bordeaux, CNRS, Bordeaux INP, INRIA, LaBRI,FR
2. Sandia National Laboratories,CA and NM,US
3. University of Rome Tor Vergata,IT
4. Argonne National Laboratory,IL,US
5. University of Basel,Basel,CH
6. National Renewable Energy Laboratory,CO,US
7. Erlangen National High Performance Computing Center (NHR@FAU),DE
8. Hewlett Packard Enterprise,DE and US
9. Hewlett Packard Labs, EMEA Research Lab,CH
10. University of Oregon, Eugene,OR,US
11. Technische Universität Dresden,DE
12. Oak Ridge National Laboratory,TN,US
13. Technical University of Denmark,DK
14. University of New Mexico,NM,US
15. Leibniz Supercomputing Centre,DE
16. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,CA,US
17. KTH Royal Institute of Technology,SE
18. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,CA,US
19. University of Illinois,IL,US
20. Northeastern University,MA,US