1. University of Djelfa,Laboratory of Development in Mechanics and Materials (LDMM),Algeria,17000
2. Université d'Adrar,Laboratoire de Développement Durable et d’Informatique (LDDI),Algérie
3. Kasdi_Merbah_University,Laboratory of Exploitation and Valorization of Natural Resources in Arid Zones (EVRNZA),Ouargla,Algeria
4. University of Hassiba,Laboratory of Geomaterials,Benbouali,Algeria
5. Chosun University Korea / Mostaganem University,Algeria
6. Université Med Seddik Benyahia (UMSB de Jijiel),Département de Mécanique,Algérie
7. Ahmed Draia University,Laboratory of Energy Envirenment and Information System (LEESI),Algeria
8. University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene,Mechanical and Process Engineering,Algeria