1. Case Study on an Android App for Inventory Management System with Sales Prediction for Local Shopkeepers in India Tejal Tandel, Sayali Wagal, Nisha Singh, Rujata Chaudhari, Vishal Badgujar Department of Information Technology A P Shah Institute of Technology Thane (Maharashtra), India,0
2. An IoT Application for Inventory Management with A Self-Adaptive Decision Model Lizong Zhang School of Computer Science & Engineering University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China; Nawaf Alharbe College of Community of Badr Taibah University, Badr, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; Anthony S. Atkins Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Sciences Staffordshire University, Stafford, United Kingdom,0
3. QR Code based Smart Parking System by Vedant Deepak Dokania, Mayur M. Sevak, Dev Dineshkumar Patel and Pratham Shriharsh Barve,0
4. Development of Inventory management System Yang Fan Zhongnan University of Economics and Law,0
5. QR Code Security - How Secure and Usable Apps Can Protect Users Against Malicious QR Codes Katharina Krombholz, Peter Fruhwirt, Thomas Rieder, Ioannis Kapsalis, Johanna Ullrich and Edgar Weippl SBA Research, Vienna, Austria,0