1. Fog Computing-Based Smart Consumer Recommender Systems;Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research;2024-03-11
2. An Effective Hybrid Recommender System for Cardiovascular Illness Based on IoT;2023 10th IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (UPCON);2023-12-01
3. Emotion-Enhanced Content Recommendation in IoT-Connected Entertainment Environments for Personalized Streaming Experiences;2023 Second International Conference On Smart Technologies For Smart Nation (SmartTechCon);2023-08-18
4. Forecasting The Price of the Flight Tickets using A Novel Hybrid Learning model;2023 IEEE World AI IoT Congress (AIIoT);2023-06-07
5. Analysis of ECDSA's Computational Impact on IoT Network Performance;Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Southeast Conference;2023-04-12