1. An H-Shaped Reconfigurable Slot Antenna Using SIW Technology. Algorithms for Intelligent Systems” is edited by Singh Tomar, G., Chaudhari, N.S., Barbosa, J.L.V., and Aghwariya, M.K. It was presented at the International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Smart Communication in 2019 and published by Springer in Singapore;Singh
2. Leaky Wave Antenna in Quarter Mode SIW Filter
3. SIW BasedSlot Antenna Array using Microstrip Feeding Technique
4. the research paper titled “Wideband Slot Antenna Based on Half Substrate Integrated Waveguide;Agrawal
5. The paper titled “Dual Frequency Dual Polarized Slot Antenna with Cavity Backed Half Mode SIW;Agrawal