1. Boundary-Guided Camouflaged Object Detection-Yujia Sun1, Shuo Wang2, Chenglizhao Chen3, Tian-Zhu Xiang4*1School of Computer Science, Inner Mongolia University;3College of Computer Science and Technology, China University of Petroleum, China 4 Inception Institute of Artificial Intelligence
2. Camouflaged Object Detection-Deng-Ping Fan1,2, Ge-Peng Ji3, Guolei Sun4, Ming-Ming Cheng2, Jianbing Shen1,* Ling Shao1 1 Inception Institute of Artificial Intelligence, UAE 2 College of CS;China 3 School of Computer Science, Wuhan University
3. Towards Deeper Understanding of Camouflaged Object DetectionYunqiu Lv;Zhang
4. Rapid Detection of Camouflaged Artificial Target Based on Polarization Imaging and Deep Learning
5. Camouflaged Object Detection via Context-aware Cross-level Fusion Geng;Chen