1. Electromagnetic processes in electric power generation systems for autonomous objects: Monograph [Elektromagnitnyye protsessy v sistemakh generirovaniya elektricheskoy energii dlya avtonomnykh ob”yektov: Monografiya];kharitonov;Novosibirsk State Technical University Published [Novosibirskiy gosudarstvennyy tekhnicheskiy universitet] Novosibirsk,2011
2. Electromagnetic processes in the cycloconverter with natural commutation for the aircraft starter-generator system [Elektromagnitnyye protsessy v neposredstvennom preobrazovatele chastoty s yestestvennoy kommutatsiyey v sostave starter-generatornoy sistemy letatel'nogo apparata];kharitonov;Power supply Published Moscow [izdatel'stvo Elektropitaniye Moskva],2020
3. Components of Electrical Power Systems in More and All-Electric Aircraft: A Review