1. Editorial: ChatGPT: challenges, opportunities, and implications for teacher education;Trust;Contemp. Issues Technol. Teacher Educ,2023
2. Taiwagata seisei AI wo katsuyou shit a TOEIC shiken taisaku no ichi syuhou [A method of TOEIC test preparation utilizing conversational generative AI];Fuse;Jouhou Kyouiku Shinpojiumu Ronbunshuu,2023
3. Seisei AI to 3D kyarakuta wo mochiita onsei taiwa shisutemu no gogaku gakushuu he no ouyou [Application of a voice dialogue system using generative AI and 3D character for language learning];Nakazato;Nihon Kyouiku Kougaku Gakkai Kenkyu Houkokusyu,2023
4. Daigakusei no ChatGPT riyou jyoukyou to nouryoku keisei he no eikyou ni kansuru chou sa kekka (sokuhou) [Survey results on the use of ChatGPT by university students and its impact on skill formation (preliminary report)];Ohmori;Project Team for the Promotion of DBER,2023
5. To use or not to use ChatGPT in higher education? A study of students’ acceptance and use of technology