Audit of Significant Objects of Critical Information Infrastructure


Sitskaya Anastasia V.1,Selifanov Valentin V.1,Soldatov Alexandr Yu.1


1. Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies,Department of Information Security,Novosibirsk,Russian Federation



Reference18 articles.

1. On the Security of the Critical Information Infrastructure of the Russian Federation;Federal Law No. 187-FZ of 26.07.2017

2. On Approval of the Rules for Categorizing Objects of Critical Information Infrastructure of the Russian Federation, as well as a list of indicators of criteria for the significance of objects of critical information infrastructure of the Russian Federation and their values;Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 127 dated 08.02.2018

3. On Approval of the Rules for the Implementation of state Control in the Field of ensuring the security of Significant objects of critical information Infrastructure of the Russian Federation;Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 162 dated 17.02.2018

4. On Approval of Requirements for the Creation of security systems for significant objects of critical information infrastructure of the Russian Federation and ensuring their functioning;Order of the FSTEC of Russia dated 21.12.2017 No. 235

5. On approval of Requirements for ensuring the security of significant objects of critical information infrastructure of the Russian Federation;Order of the FSTEC of Russia dated 25.12.2017 No. 239







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