1. The novel two-port hybrid ring dipole-like antenna with simultaneous sum and difference radiation patterns
2. Development and research of the antenna system of the mobile direction finder with the increased sensitivity and the possibility to receive the waves with arbitrary polarisation [Razrabotka i issledovanie antennoj sistemy’ mobil’nogo radiopelengatora s povy’shennoj chuvstvitel’nost’yu i vozmozhnost’yu priema voln s proizvol’noj polyarizaciej];Rembovskij,2008
3. Antenna with a difference pattern for navigation systems [Antenna s raznostnoj diagrammoj napravlennosti dlya navigacionny’x sistem];Afonin;SVCh-texnika i telekommunikacionny’e texnologii,2020
4. Amplitude-phase direction finding of the UHF-radio sources with arbitrary polarisation with the help of a ring antenna array from TEM horns and Vivaldi antennas [Amplitudno-fazovoe pelengovanie istochnikov SVCh-radioizlucheniya s proizvol’noj polyarizaciej s pomoshh’yu kol’cevoj antennoj reshyotki iz TEM ruporov i antenn Vival’di];Ashixmin;Antennas,2008