1. NITTE Deemed to be University,NMAM Institute of Technology,Deparmtent of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,Karnataka,India
2. GMR Institute of Technology,Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,Rajam,India
3. NITTE Deemed to be University,NMAM Institute of Technology,Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering,Karnataka,India
4. Vel Tech RanagarajanDr.Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology,Department of Electronics and Communication,Chennai,India
5. Sri Kalahasteeswara Institute of Technology (SKIT),Department of EEE,Srikalahasti,Andhra Pradesh A.P
6. VNR Vignana Jyothi Institute Of Engineering & Technology,Department of Automobile Engineering,Telangana
7. University of Johannesburg,Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology,South Africa