Use of the raw material base of marine fish in Russian waters of the Far Eastern seas and adjacent areas of the open part of the Pacific Ocean in 2000–2020


Antonov Nikolaj P.1,Datsky Andrej  V.1,Smirnov Andrej  A.2,Kuznetsova Elena  N.1,Vedishcheva Elena  V.1,Golovatyuk Galina Yu.1


1. Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography («VNIRO»)

2. Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography («VNIRO»); North- Eastern State University (FSBEI HE «NESU»)


The purpose of the work: characteristics of the raw material base of marine fish in the Far Eastern fishery basin and an assessment of the effectiveness of its use by domestic fisheries at the present stage (2000–2020).Methods used: to achieve this goal, data on biomass, catch and development of the main commercial marine fish were analyzed. Fish catches were reviewed based on operational information about the fishery based on daily ship reports from the industry monitoring system.Novelty: elements of novelty are generalized modern materials on biomass, catch and development of marine fish resources in the Far Eastern seas and adjacent waters of the Pacific Ocean. The current state of commercial fish stocks (walleye pollock, Pacific cod, saffron cod, Pacific herring, Righteye flounders, greenlings, Japanese pilchard, Chub mackerel, Pacific saury) in the Far Eastern fishing basin can be characterized as stable, and the distribution of the catch of these objects among individual fishing areas due to their significant volumes is practically determines the distribution of catch of both quota and non-quota species of marine fish. Scientific information support for the above-m entioned fish is at a high level, their biological condition is generally favorable, and the dynamics of their numbers is regulated mainly by habitat variability.Practical significance: the results of this study can be used in forecasting the dynamics of aquatic biological resources, and the results obtained on marine fish stocks and fisheries will improve the efficiency of using their raw material base.


Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography

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