Efficiency assessment of the use of compound feeds with protein different levels for juveniles Australian red claw crayfish in RAS conditions


Borisov R.  R.1,Kovatcheva N.  P.1,Artemov R. V.1,Nikonova I. N.1,Arnautov M.  V.1,Artemov A. V.1,Gershunskaya V.  V.1


1. Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography («VNIRO»)


   The aim of the work is to investigate the effect of compound feeds with different levels of protein on the growth of juveniles of the Australian red claw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus.   Used methods: To solve this problem, two experiments were carried out in the aquariums of aquaculture invertebrate department at VNIRO: the first was on juveniles weighing 0.017 ± 0.004 g and 0.87 ± 0.08 mm long; the second one was on juveniles weighing 0.31 ± 0.14 g and 23.7 ± 3.9 mm long. The duration of the experiments was 30 and 40 days, respectively. Feeding of juveniles was carried out with three variants of compound feed recipes with an estimated protein content of 25 %, 35 % and 45 %. The main part of the formulations consisted of components of plant origin. Tetra Wafer Mix food for fish and crustaceans (Germany) with a protein content of 45 % was used as a control. The duration of the experiments was 30 and 40 days, respectively. Feeding of juveniles was carried out with three variants of compound feed recipes with an estimated protein content of 25 %, 35 % and 45 %. The main part of the formulations consisted of components of plant origin. Tetra Wafer Mix food for fish and crustaceans (Germany) with a protein content of 45 % was used as a control.   Newness: Development of a feed formulation for rearing juveniles of the Australian red claw crayfish in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS).   Results: These experiments showed that the growth rate of juvenile Australian red claw crayfish is directly dependent on the proportion of protein in the feed. It was established that the relative content of protein in the muscles of crayfish depends on its content in compound feed. An analysis of our own and published data indicates that feeds with protein content below 35 % cannot be recommended for growing of juveniles’ Australian red claw crayfish. Feeds with a protein content of 45 % are optimal for the growth of juveniles. It was established that the effectiveness of compound feeds depends not only on the protein content and energy value, but also on their taste attractiveness.   Practical significance: The obtained results will be used in the development of mixed feed for juveniles Australian red claw crayfish.


Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography


General Medicine

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