Differentiation populations of the saffron cod Eleginus gracilis (Gadidae) of the cape Terpeniya, south-east and north-west of Sakhalin island using biological tags


Frolov E. V.1,Novokreschennykh S. V.1,Metlenkov A. V.1


1. Sakhalin branch of the Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography


To differentiate Sakhalin saffron cod, 3 types of parasites can be used: Pyramicocephalus phocarum pl., Nybelinia surmenicola pl. and Echinorhynchus gadi. From a practical point of view, as a biological label for the differentiation of the navaga hall. It is advisable to use indicators of infection with Nybelinia surmenicola l in the south-east of Sakhalin and the north-west of the island. To determine the location of the catch of the navaga (applicable only for the areas of the north-west, south-east of Sakhalin and zal. Patience) it is necessary to examine at least 100 specimens of fish.


Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography

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