Estimation of the catch of the most popular species of families of flounders Pleuronectidae and sculpins Cottidae in the Primorye subzone in 2022


Aseeva N. L.1,Kim L. N.1,Ivankova Z. G.1,Kravchenko D. G.1,Izmyatinsky D. V.1


1. Pacific branch of Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography


The catches of flounders and sculpins in the fishery in the Peter the Great Bay with a seine and fixed nets are considered. Their value is compared with the value of catches by bottom trawl. Based on the accounting survey and data on the number of fishing efforts, the total catch per effort of flounders and sculpins in the Primorye subzone in 2022 as well as the total catch per effort of concrete species of these objects were determined. The revealed patterns can be used in the preparation of forecasts of the state of the studied species in the Primorye subzone.


Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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