A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Information on Knowledge regarding Urinary Tract Infection and its Prevention in Pregnancy among Antenatal mothers at DRDO Apollo Hospitals, Hyderabad, Telangana


Sipora K. Sweety1,Nagavalli Nagavalli2,Nirmala G.3,Nishitha O.4,Maryline Flinsi D.5


1. Register Nurse, Apollo DRDO Hospital, Hyderabad, Telangana.

2. Gynecologist, Apollo DRDO Hospital, Hyderabad, Telangana.

3. Nursing Superintendent, Apollo DRDO Hospital, Hyderabad.

4. Charge Nurse, Apollo DRDO Hospital, Hyderabad, Telangana.

5. Principal, Apollo School of Nursing, Indraprashath Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi.


Urinary tract infection is one of the commonest infection to affect humans and is a common bacterial infection. Urinary tract infection may be symptomatic or asymptomatic. So the investigator conducted a study to assess the effectiveness of information on knowledge regarding urinary tract infection and its prevention in pregnancy among antenatal mothers at Apollo DRDO hospital, Hyderabad. A Quasi experimental one group pre-test and post-test design was selected to assess the effectiveness of information on knowledge regarding urinary tract infection and its prevention in pregnancy among antenatal mothers. For this study total 60 patients were selected by using purposive sampling technique. The study was conducted in Apollo DRDO Hospital Hyderabad. Data was collected with the help of informed knowledge questionnaires with the permission from Nursing Head and Ethical approval No (AHD -ACD -017/08-23) from Apollo Hospital Jubilee hills. This study concluded that maximum participants had adequate knowledge regarding their urinary tract infection and its prevention. The results showcased that the pre-test mean knowledge score was 11.23 and standard deviation (SD) IS 2.30 whereas the post –test mean knowledge score was 22.8 and standard deviation is 2.50. The calculated paired ‘t’ test calculated value is 41.26, which is greater than table value of 3.37 at (p<0.001) level of significance. The study shows that demographic variables such as age in years, place of residence, religion, occupational status, history of source, there is no significant association between knowledge scores and demographic variables such as medical illness, family income, education, gravid of the mother as significant association between knowledge score. The study shows that maximum participants 36(60.00%) were having adequate knowledge after the information. The study has shown that the information was effective in increasing the knowledge regarding the urinary tract infection and its prevention.


A and V Publications

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