1. Asst Professor, Little Lourdes College of Nursing, Kidangoor, Kerala.
2. 3rd Year B.Sc Nursing Students, Little Lourdes College of Nursing, Kidangoor, Kerala.
A menstrual cup is a type of reusable feminine hygiene product, which is inserted into the vagina during menstruation. A descriptive study conducted to assess the knowledge and attitude regarding menstrual cup among women at LLM Hospital, Kidangoor. The objectives of the study were to estimate the knowledge regarding menstrual cup among women, to estimate the attitude regarding menstrual cup among women and to determine the correlation between knowledge and attitude regarding menstrual cup among women. Non probability purposive sampling method was used to select 50 women in the age group of 20-35 years who are admitted as patients, bystander of patient, visit OPD as patient or bystander at LLM Hospital, Kidangoor who fulfill the inclusion criteria. The data was collected using a structured questionnaire regarding knowledge and attitude of menstrual cup. A pilot study was conducted to assess the feasibility of the study. The hypothesis of the study was “There is no significant correlation between knowledge and attitude regarding menstrual cup among women”. The study showed that about 62% of women had average knowledge about menstrual cup, 24% had good knowledge and about 14% had poor knowledge regarding menstrual cup. Regarding attitude about 56% of women had a positive attitude towards the menstrual cup, no one had negative attitude and about 44% of women has neutral attitude towards menstrual cup correlation between knowledge and attitude was analyzed using Karl-Pearson’s correlation coefficient formula and r value obtained was 0.551, which showed that there was a moderately positive correlation between knowledge and attitude regarding menstrual cup among women.
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