Outdoor Advertising and Consumer Behaviour- Marketing mix- Review of P


Reddy T. Narayana1,Ghouse Syed Mohammad2,J S Ravi Kumar3


1. Associate Professor, Department of Management, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Ananthapuramu, Andhra Pradesh, India.

2. Associate Professor, School of Management, Presidency University, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.

3. Asst Professor, Department of Management Studies, Ballari Institute of Technology and Management, Ballari.


The purpose of this study was to determine the influence ratio of outdoor advertisements on survey participants (consumers) and to measure the effects on participants' purchasing behavior. The research also attempted to specify the different characteristics of outdoor advertisements in comparison to other advertising instruments. The other research aims are to designate the status of outdoor advertisements among the advertisement instruments which are thought to have an effect on the purchasing behavior of consumers and to determine the effects and dimensions of outdoor advertisements. A face-to-face interview survey is conducted on 200 respondents who are selected with non-random sampling. Data were analyzed by using T-test, variant analysis and factor analysis. The result of the analysis shows that people generally have positive opinions about outdoor advertisements. They think that outdoor advertisements are more eye-catching and creative when compared to other advertisement types and their physical size lends them an effective visual impact. Respondents also stated that outdoor advertisements contribute to the cityscape in terms of variety and beauty, and they do not pollute the environment. However, awareness of outdoor advertisement amongst some people is relatively low. The results of the study indicate that outdoor advertisements which create different ideas, which are effective in informing and persuading people and which are sensitive to the environment can be viewed positively by consumers. In particular, amongst consumers with higher educational and income levels, outdoor advertisements are becoming striking and their visibility is increasing.


A and V Publications


General Medicine

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