1. Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Dinabandhu Andrews College, Kolkata, West Bengal.
Spiritual intelligence provides employees a sense of interconnectedness and community. Workplaces are places where people spend most of their lives, develop friendships, create value, and make their most meaningful contributions to society. People with a higher level of spirituality are happier and more satisfied with life than people with a lower level of spirituality. Spirituality can have a tremendous impact on an individual’s life, such as by creating a better balance of work, family, and life satisfaction. This study aims to investigate the relationship between spiritual intelligence and work satisfaction among both leaders and employees on the basis of a case study. The main objective of the current study is to understand the concept of spiritual intelligence and identify the factors that contribute to develop spiritual intelligence among individuals. The findings of the study suggest that human resource managers should formulate strategies for developing and increasing employees’ spiritual intelligence, because they found a significant positive relationship between employees’ spiritual intelligence and work satisfaction. These strategies could help increase employees’ work satisfaction, which can result in higher productivity, organizational commitment, and organizational efficiency as well as loyalty and reduce absenteeism and turnover. Therefore, the concepts of spiritual intelligence and work satisfaction need to be understood in greater detail by human resource managers and leaders. Human resource managers should assess the spiritual intelligence of their job applicants in order to recruit the best candidates.
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3 articles.