1. Columbia Institute of Pharmacy, Raipur, 493111, Chhattisgarh.
Herbal medicine is the oldest and commonly used in clinical practices worldwide. The knowledge about Indian medicinal plants and their uses in the Indian system of medicine have paved the way to many scientific investigations and researches around the world. The scientific based Phytochemical screening not only support in information about the active components but also help in the synthesis of better and newer analogues and congeners of different active principles isolated from plants. These scientific investigations help in accurate identification and authentication of many plant materials those belongs to family Martyniaceae commonly known as “bichu”. Martynia annua is commonly found in dense cluster on roadsides, degraded moist and dry deciduous forest, waste lands and over-grazed pasture. It is a weedy foreign species native to tropical and sub-tropical region of Mexico, Central America, Burma and naturalized throughout India. Its excellent dispersal mechanism has helped it spread throughout the tropical world as a weed. In folklore practices, the decoction of whole plant is used in the treatment of pneumonia, cold and fever. The poultice of roots used in snake bite for external application. Roots of Martynia annua are boiled in milk and taken as a tonic in folklore. In tribal pockets of Satpura Plateau in Madhya Pradesh, root paste of Martynia annua is used to treat Cancer and rheumatism. In this review our aim is to explore the Phytochemistry and Pharmacology of Martynia annua root extract in turn it will pave the way for further research.
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