Evaluate the Effectiveness of Information Guide Sheet on Awareness regarding sex education among Adolescents


P. Sagar1,J. Himanshi2,S. Jayesh3


1. M.Sc. Nursing (Child Health Nursing), Venkteshwar College of Nursing, Sai Tirupati University, Udaipur 313015, Rajasthan, India.

2. M.Sc. Nursing (Obs. and Gyenic. Nursing), Saraswati College of Nursing, Udaipur, Rajasthan University of Health Sciences, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.

3. HOD and Associate Professor, Child Health Nursing, Venkteshwar College of Nursing, Sai Tirupati University, Udaipur 313015, Rajasthan, India.


Introduction: Adolescence is tinged with growth, changes, the emergence of a variety of important events and teenagers often face the risk of reproductive health because most have become sexually active. Sex education is defined as a wide program that aims to build a strong foundation for lifelong sexual health by acquiring information and attitudes, beliefs and values about one's identity, relationships and intimacy. Sexual health is considered to be a state of physical, emotional, mental, and social well-being in relation to sexuality and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity as defined by the WHO. Exposure to general sexual education training in schools or other community centres offers a scientific explanation for one’s changing body and desires. Courses also serve as an effective means to informed sexual decision making in adolescence. Comprehensive sex education, a specific content model, including equal focus on abstinence and family planning, is associated with numerous positive outcomes. Methods: One group pre-test post-test research design study was conducted among 120 adolescents from selected schools using a self structured questionnaires to assess the knowledge regarding sex education or sexual awareness. An information guide sheet was the intervention and unpaired t-test was used to assess the effectiveness of the intervention. Results: The result showed that the mean post-test knowledge score is 25.29(70.25%) is greater than the mean pre-test knowledge score 10.7(29.72%). The enhancement in the knowledge of participants is 14.59(40.53%) supporting the post-test knowledge score is higher than the pre-test knowledge score. The data further represent that the t-value of 45.59 is significantly higher than the tabular value 2.00 at 0.05 level of significance. Conclusions: The present study concludes that an information guide sheet was significantly effective in increasing the knowledge on awareness regarding sex education among adolescents. The mean difference 14.59 between pre-test and post-test knowledge score of the adolescents was found to be significant.


A and V Publications

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