Comparative Estimation of Withaferin-A Content using HPLC Technique from Fruit Parts of the Two Chief Species of Withania Genus used as in Ayurvedic System of Medicine


Kumar Meena Ajay1,Chaturvedi Sadhna1,Sreekala Sreekala1


1. Regional Ayurveda Research Institute, CCRAS, Amkhoh, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India. Department of Biotechnology, School of Sciences, ITM University, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India.


Species of Withania genus is most important medicinal plant in Ayurvedic, Siddha, Unani (ASU) and indigenous system of medicine, Withania species is help to support physical and mental health of human health. Withania coagulans and Withania somnifera were the two most esteem species of Withaniagenusit’s having high medicinal significance. These species were natural source of Withaferin A (steroidal lactones) is used as variety of diseases. The present study to compare the Withaferin A content is present in the Withaniacoagulans and Withania somnifera fruit using HPLC technique. The separation was achieved on C18 Eclipse, XDB, 4.6mm × 150mm, 5μm particle size column using mobile phase consisted of Acetonitrile and Buffer (35:65 v/v) in isocratic elution with flow rate 1.5ml/min. The detection of analytes at 227nm was carried out by using Diode Array Detector (DAD) for Withaferin A reference standard and test samples. The quantitative evaluation and comparison of Withaferin-A present in fruit part of Withania coagulans was 0.0121% and Withania somnifera was 0.0075%, respectively. The WithaferinA content was observed higher amountin Withania coagulans fruit compare to Withania somnifera.


A and V Publications


Pharmacology (medical),Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous)

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