Preparation of Millet Adai and Assessment of its Nutritional Value


Kumar M. Vijaya1,A. Arun1,S Kanimozhi.1


1. School of Hotel and Catering Management, Vels Institute of Science Technology and Advanced Studies (VISTAS) Pallavaram, Chennai 117, Tamil Nadu, India.


Nutritional quality of food is a key element in maintaining human overall physical well-being because nutritional well-being is a sustainable force for health and growth and extension of human genomic potential. Thus, the testing of deep-rooted food insecurity and malnutrition, dietary quality should be taken into attention. In the current study was to formulate the functional food as Millet Adai and examination of its nutritional compositions. The conclusions of the current study proved that the enhanced content of fibre, protein, phytochemical, inorganic elements and vitamins were found to be in Millet Adai. It is concluded from this study that Millet Adai is a natural nutrient product and it is beneficial to diabetic, arthritis, cancer and cardiovascular diseases which is useful for decrease the secondary complications of the diseases and also strengthen the immune system.


A and V Publications


Pharmacology (medical),Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous)

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