1. Research Scholar, DIPSAR: Delhi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, Constituent College of Delhi Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research University (DPSRU), M.B Road, Pushpa Vihar, Sector - 3, New Delhi -110017.
In this study, the biotransformation of Tetracycline by two strains of filamentous fungi, namely Aspergillus niger and Candida albicans were investigated. They were screened for their ability to biotransform Tetracycline, and both of them were able to produce 3 metabolites. Their structures were established based on TLC, HPLC, and liquid Chromatography with mass spectrometry data analyses, and 2 of them are new compounds. The two fungal strains exhibited distinct biocatalytic features. A.niger could catalyze hydroxylation and carbonylation reactions, whereas C. albicans preferred to catalyze hydroxylation and acetylation reactions. These highly specific reactions are difficult to achieve by chemical synthesis, particularly under mild conditions. Results from this investigation lead to a better estimation of the destiny and shipping of antibiotics to modified/ transformed which will be having more advantages than that of existing forms.