SCC mec typing among the clinical isolates of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) from a Tertiary Care Hospital, Puducherry


E Kavitha1,R Srikumar2


1. Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, Sri Venkateshwaraa Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Puducherry, India.

2. Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology, Centre for Research, Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Puducherry, India.


Introduction: Methicillin resistance is exhibiteddue to presence of mecA gene and is commonly referred as SCCmec types in MRSA. SCCmec typing helps and acts a way to characterize MRSA infections and gain knowledge in its epidemiology. Our study aims to characterize mecA gene responsible in methicillin resistance by SCCmec typing and emphasize the use of SCCmec typing in routine diagnosis for the classification of MRSA. Methods: A total of 191 clinical isolates were included for the study.Documentation like clinical details and associated risk factors for MRSA acquisition were done. SCCmec typing (type I-V) was done by using M-PCR as per Boyeet al., 2007 protocol. Results: In our study, five different SCCmec types namely SCCmec type I, type II, type III, type IV and type V were detected among the clinical isolates of MRSA. Sccmec type V (53%) was found to be the most predominant type followed by SCCmec type III (47%) and SCCmec type IV (37.6%). Among the 191 MRSA isolates, 7 clinical isolates were SCCmec non-typeable isolates. Conclusion: Our study reports existence of multiple SCCmec types among the MRSA clinical isolates. SCCmec typing is helpful in determining the contribution of the isolates in understanding their association being CA-MRSA or HA-MRSA which in turn helps in designing effective surveillance and control strategies in the management of MRSA infections.


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