Development of Inorganic Iodine Quantitative Determination in the kelp Thalli (Laminariae thalli) by Spectrophotometric Method for Solving Pharmacognostic Issues


A.V. Nikulin1,R.S. Gabaeva1,L.Yu. Martynov1,D.O. Shatalov1,T.Yu. Kovaleva2,E.A. Dorovskikh2,D. A. Trashchenkova2


1. MIREA – Russian Technological University (M.V. Lomonosov Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies), 86, Vernadsky Avenue, 119571, Moscow, Russian Federation.

2. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, 8, bldg. 2, Trubetskaya St., 119991, Moscow, Russian Federation.


The work presents a new spectrophotometric method of determining iodine inorganic forms in the kelp thalli (Laminariae thalli). A glycerin-stabilized starch solution was used as a coloring reagent. The developed method is characterized by ease of implementation, high selectivity and sensitivity (at the ng/ml level) as opposed to available methods in the literature. High stability of the analytical signal, linearity in the range from 60 to 720 ng/ml, accuracy, repeatability, and intermediate precision were established by research of metrological characteristics. The detection limit and quantification limit in solutions obtained after sample preparation were 20 and 60ng/ml. The proposed methodology may be recommended for research as well as in regulatory documentation for crude herbal drug (CHD).


A and V Publications

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