Smoking as one of the predictors of the severity of the condition of patients suffering from a new coronavirus infection


Mikhaylov Alexey А.ORCID,Velibekov Ruslan Т.,Ivashinenko Fedor M.,Litvinenko Ruslan I.ORCID


The relationship between smoking and the lung damage volume in patients with a confirmed new coronavirus infection diagnosis, hospitalized in a temporary infectious hospital for the treatment of patients suffering from a new coronavirus infection and community-acquired pneumonia was evaluated. This was in the Odintsovo Districts Patriot Park of the Moscow region. Smoking cigarettes, both active and passive, as well as exposure to tobacco smoke on the body, are important upper and lower respiratory tract infection risk factors due to local immune response suppression. Nevertheless, data from a number of international studies indicate a significantly lower number of hospitalized smoking patients compared to non-smokers. These indicators were investigated as the percentage and degree of lung damage, smoking history, the number of cigarettes smoked per day, and the smoker's index. In the course of the study, the data on a smaller percentage of smokers admitted to inpatient treatment were confirmed in comparison with non-smokers and smokers in the general population. There was no statistically significant difference in the volume of lung damage between smoking and non-smoking patients according to the chest organs computed tomography. At the same time, there was an increase in the volume of lung tissue damage, depending on the smoking experience. This is apparently due to the irreversible changes formation in lung tissue against a long-term smoking background. The median age of smoking patients was 56 years with a variation from 46 to 68 years. The minimum and maximum ages were 29 and 82. The median lung lesion was 32% with a variation from 23% to 39%. The minimum and maximum lung damage is 10% and 40%, respectively. A moderate correlation was found between the smoking experience and the volume of lung damage. An increase in lung damage by 0.309% should be expected with an increase in smoking experience by one full year. There was also no statistically significant difference in the number of cigarettes smoked per day and the smokers index.


ECO-Vector LLC

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