Pathogenesis and treatment principles ocular damage by self-defense gas weapons


Kacherovich Polina A.ORCID,Kulikov Alexey N.ORCID,Lapina Natalia V.,Bespalov Alexander Ya.,Krasnov Konstantin A.,Kharitonova Natalya N.,Troyanovskiy Roman L.


The article presents the pathogenetic mechanisms of eye damage by gas self-defense weapons in detail. We discuss the mechanisms of eye damage and structural changes of the tissues after gas-trauma. The causes of these changes and the main clinical manifestations accompanying them are analyzed. We analyzed the factors, influencing the development of dystrophic changes of the ocular surface in detail. The information on various techniques for self-assistance, mutual aid and earlier specific treatment of this injury was summarized. An aqueous solution of pediphene substance promising for use is considered, which has a number of pharmacological properties that fundamentally affect the pathogenetic mechanisms of gas-weapon trauma. Its effectiveness was shown in the experiment in comparison with the control group without treatment and the group using the combined drug-dexamethasone in combination with an antibiotic.


ECO-Vector LLC


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Engineering,General Environmental Science

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