Patogenetic motivation of using the calcium antagonists in treatment hypoxic intracranial hemorrhages in newborns


Ivanichev G. A.,Levitina E. V.,Minnibaev M. M.


The prospective observation, clinical and biochemical examination of 252 mature infants with perinatal hypoxic encephalopathy from neonatal period till 1 years old and 55 infants with intracranial hemorrhages were carried out. The role of perinatal risk factors in the pathological forming as well as the dependence of clinical manifestations from hypoxia character (acute, chronic, combined) and the disease period was determined. The interrelation of disturbances of enzyme transmembrane transport of electrolytes activity and the level of intracellular calcium in thrombocytes with the character, degree of the severity, clinical syndromes and course of pathological process was revealed. The decrease of Ca2+-ATPase activity and increase of the level of intracellular calcium in patients with the chronic and combined character of hypoxia was noted. Clinical and biochemical efficiency of calcium antagonists (nimodipine) in children with perinatal hypoxic and hemorrhagic CNS disturbances was determined.


ECO-Vector LLC


Literature and Literary Theory,History,Cultural Studies

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