Updating of methodical approaches to noninvasive sampling of pulmonary surfactant biosamples


Shmyrova Anastasia I.ORCID,Pshenichnikova-Peleneva Irina M.,Kononova Ludmila I.,Korobov Vladimir P.


Aim. To study the influence of conditions of sampling and storage of pulmonary surfactant (PS) biosamples in the exhaled air barbotate on its surface activity and biochemical structure, so as to develop clinical recommendations for PS status assessment. Materials and methods. Tensiometry methods were used to study the glass, fluoroplastic and five polymer containers. Reproducibility of the results of physicochemical parameters of native material was assessed using thin-layer chromatography. Calibration of methods and scaling was implemented using exogenous surfactant solution. Results. It was detected that for identification of phosphatidylcholine in the samples, it is necessary to introduce not less than 0.15 mcg of exogenous surfactant and for dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine – from 0.5 mcg and more. The efficiency of PS sampling with the method of exhaled air barbotage varies from 30 % to 50 % from the volume of surfactant, excreted with one average statistical human expiration. Conclusions. Sampling of native material using the method of exhaled air barbotage was performed. Tensiometric and chromatographic scales were compiled. Variability of sampling degree was noted. It was shown that if the conditions of storage and transport are observed, there are no marked changes in the material.


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