Minimally invasive method of surgical treatment of Peyronie's disease


Zurnadzhyants V. А.1ORCID,Kurashov D. V.2ORCID,Kchibekov E. А.1ORCID,Proskurin А. А.3ORCID


1. Astrakhan State Medical University

2. Multidisciplinary clinic Euromedprestige

3. City Clinical Hospital № 3 named after S.M. Kirov


Objective. To improve the results of surgical treatment of Peyronie's disease. Materials and methods. 20 patients with Peyronie's disease aged 22 to 60 were treated in the urological departments of the Private Clinical Hospital “Russian Railways Medicine” and Astrakhan City Clinical Hospital No. 3 named after. C.M. Kirov. A method of surgical treatment of Peyronie's disease using a shortening technique without opening the tunica albuginea includes the application of a pressure tourniquet to the base of the penis, puncture of the cavernous bodies, injection of sterile saline into them until an erection is achieved, determination of the angle of curvature of the penis, removal of the tourniquet and surgery to eliminate curvature of the penis. Results. Neither postoperative complications nor formation of hematomas were observed. The patients were discharged on the 4th day in satisfactory condition. 1.5 years` observation showed no progression of angular deformation of the penis which could impede sexual intercourse. The mobility of the skin of the penis was preserved. Conclusions. In addition to the correction of penile deformity, our method eliminates the need for extensive incisions and preserves the physiological functions of the penis. As a result of using this surgical method, the following goals are achieved: minimal trauma to tissues in the surgical area, absence of scar processes in the plastic area and preservation of the skin of the penis mobility, absence of pronounced postoperative tissue edema, no need to drain the wound, reduction of the duration of the operation and minimal blood loss, short postoperative and rehabilitation period.


ECO-Vector LLC

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