Probability of change in diagnosis among adult patients diagnosed with childhood mental disorders


Gazizullin Timur R.ORCID,Mendelevich Vladimir D.ORCID


BACKGROUND. The problem of changing a psychiatric diagnosis is a reality. AIM. To study the frequency and probability of changing the exposed patient at the age of psychiatric illness when moving under the supervision of a psychiatrist served by a large population. MATERIAL AND METHODS. We analyzed 246 cases of patients who first applied to a psychiatrist in childhood (adolescence), then taken for consultative or dispensary registration. The study was follow-up in nature, was carried out with the help of the analysis of electronic databases of the RCPB. acad. V.M. Bekhterev of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan (Kazan), as well as by studying primary medical documentation (outpatient cards and case histories). The results of the study were processed on the basis of Statistica 6.0 and MS Excel 2020. RESULTS. The main variants of the outcomes of mental disorders diagnosed in childhood of patients are described. It is shown that in more than half of clinical cases the confirmation of a psychiatric diagnosis at an early age is not final, and the issue of further diagnostic search remains unresolved and requires revision. Using the methods of multifactorial statistics, the main transnosological (dimensional) models of algorithms for the development of mental disorders are modeled.


ECO-Vector LLC


General Medicine

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