Carbuncle - the actual problem of modern surgery (Literature review)


Lipatov K V,Cherkasov Yu E,Khrupkin V I,Lysenko M V,Dekhissi E I


Analyzed the features of the surgical treatment of carbuncles. The severity of the purulent-necrotic process was assessed, the significance of the timely diagnosis of the inflammatory stage and the choice of the timing of surgical treatment is shown. The features of the options of surgical tactics - from gentle to radical surgical interventions, methods of intraoperative assessment of tissue viability in the inflammatory focus are described. The necessity of a differentiated approach to the treatment of carbuncles depending on the stage of the disease, the prevalence of the pathological process and its localization is substantiated. The significance of restorative skin-plastic surgery in the replacement of postnecrectomy defects of epithelial tissues in the treatment of extensive carbuncles is shown. Ways of improving the results of treatment of patients with carbuncles are outlined, including timely diagnosis, a differentiated approach to surgical treatment, rational antibacterial therapy, and adequate general treatment.


ECO-Vector LLC

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