Comparative studies on the maneuverability of track trains for transportation of containers


Yevseyev Kirill B.


To increase the cross-country ability of ground trackless vehicles for off-road container transportation by land, it is advisable to use track trains. When moving track trains, it is necessary to ensure high profile cross-country ability when overcoming obstacles in the vertical and horizontal planes. The property of maneuverability determines the ability of track trains to maintain mobility when maneuvering in the plan and depends on the adopted design and layout solutions and static agility. The article examines the maneuverability of track trains for two variants of design and layout solutions: a track single-articulated semi-trailer train and a double-articulated track train. The movement of each of the track trains is compared according to the criterion of energy efficiency, taking into account two methods of turning: kinematic and power turning methods. A variant of the design and layout of a track train was determined. It has better static agility and a smaller overall turning radius. To assess energy efficiency, the method of simulation mathematical modeling is used, taking into account the peculiarities of the interaction of the driving machine with the support base. The article provides a description of the regulators that are used in the mathematical model and provide the turn of caterpillar trains with a minimum radius. To compare the energy efficiency of performing maneuvers, several design schemes are considered: with one active link or with two active links. A turning method was determined. It is advisable to use it to ensure high turnability of track trains. The effect of the length of the bearing surfaces of caterpillars active links on energy efficiency is determined as well. In addition, the results of a comparison of track trains according to the criterion of energy efficiency are given.


ECO-Vector LLC

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