Composite materials for impellers of the turbocharger of automotive engines


Netrusov A. N,Fomin V. M


The aim of this work is the search and selection of components of composite materials are fully meeting the requirements imposed to the materials of the impellers of the turbocharger. During the work modern components of the composites and their properties is described. The requirements to materials of impellers were formulated. Patent search was carried out to describe existing concepts of impellers made of composite materials. A possible production version of the impellers is described, revealed their advantages and disadvantages. In the course of patent studies have not traditional the advantages of using composites in the design of the turbocharger. Described the possibility of creating a rotor of the electric machine of the compressor impeller by weaving a copper wire. The main technology of manufacture of impellers is described. Given domestic and foreign manufacturers of polymer matrixes and fibers. The described physic-mechanical properties of randomly reinforced composite materials available on the market today. A comparative analysis of selected composite material most fully meets the requirements - polyamideimide filled carbon fiber. The use of continuous fibers in the impellers is an effective way to increase the strength of the latter. It is established that as a cheaper alternative to polyamideimide can be a carbon-containing material '^^11!" provided reinforcement of the wheel with continuous fibers. Cheap and widely used materials (filled polyamides, polycarbonates, epoxy resin, etc.) can be used in the manufacture of impellers in centrifugal blowers with manual or electric drive. Composites with carbon fiber in silicon carbide matrix (C-SiC) can act as an alternative to heat-resistant nickel alloys, of which currently produce the turbine wheel.


ECO-Vector LLC

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